News — root chakra

Part 1: Root Chakra - Grounding into Existence

chakra foundation healing root root chakra

Part 1: Root Chakra - Grounding into Existence

The 1st, Root Chakra is located in the base of the spine, the last 3 vetebrae, pelvis plexus, the anus, large intestines, feet and legs. It stores positivity, stability and connection. It allows us to channel our inner needs for belonging by connecting with our surroundings. It allows us to take care of our well-being, physically, mentally and emotionally.  1. Recognising Blockages and Key Contributors: The Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine, governs our sense of security and stability. Signs of blockage include fear, insecurity, financial stress, anxiety, and a feeling of disconnection from the physical world. Key contributors...

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