30-50 Personal Transformation Sessions
Personal Growth + Transformation Life Coaching
Ready to Transform your present energy? Feel who YOU truly are? Find and Live your Purpose?
I have a desire to liberate you from the pain in your physical body and release the resistance you're facing. Uncover the true you, your true self that is hidden under all conditioning, patterns, emotions, and pain.
My goal - is to serve up individualized insightful solutions to empower your growth. Leading with humility, and from the heart I will hold space for your transformation and healing journey, we will do it together.
- I can identify the pieces that are stuck and need transforming to lighten the load.
- We can dive in deeper to the parts of you that need healing right now.
- Guide us towards integration practices for your growth moving forwards to raise your vibe and shine your own light for others to see.
Want to know if this is for you?
- Finding yourself in the same cycles, habits, patterns that aren't working for you?
- Boundaries need to be set with people that are draining your energy?
- Feeling heavy after going into certain situations or environments?
- Are you noticing the recurrences and not sure how to shift?
- Starting to Feel and noticed more energy around you +/-?
- Identified a problem and want to make a change?
- What are you currently attracting that needs transmuting?
- What inner resistance and fears are you facing that are stopping you from healing or growing?
- What negative thoughts or feelings are you telling yourself?
- What are you seeing and noticing that doesn't seem right anymore?
Are you ready to do the work on yourself?
Find out who you are? Set boundaries? Clear the past? Move you forwards with a support system around you. Let me help lighten you up so you can live more Authentically, live, breath and operate the way YOU want.
What you'll need to begin - Awareness to Change and Ready to Grow.
What I'll do - I will pick you up, move you forward and take you higher, clearing the resistance as you are going to bring you more joy.
Personal Transformation Introductory Package:
Introduction - First session: 90minutes
We will go through your energy patterns, current awareness, patterns you have noticed, boundaries you want to set, past you want to heal. Intuitive reading will be included on your energy field for an overview of what is happening for you.
- Tools and self-reflection will be involved in this session
- Discussions on beliefs, challenges, problems your facing
- Energy discussion and how yours's works for decision making
Second session: 60minutes
Follow on from 1st session. Discussions and self-reflection on values, beliefs, desires. Tools for self-care and balance that align with new value and desires.
- Uncover how your body make decisions and find your emotional guidance system
- Discussions about your energy field
- See what's in your energy field currently and the lessons your learning.
- We take a look at your supportive self-care practices and rituals
After the first two session you will have tools for self-care and understand balance and what aligns with your values and desires.
Third session: 60minutes
Evolve, change, grow into who you are and situations that you want to be creating. Action plan to move through that creation process that is you. And expand the growth of your desires.
- We schedule and plan your strategies to keep you balanced and on track into your future.
We reflect on your supportive self-care practices and rituals
- Create some action steps to jump back into alignment and making room for more opportunities and synchronicities.
Package Options:
Introduction Package Sessions - 3 Sessions over 1 Month
Ultimate Growth Sessions - 9 Sessions over 9 Months (Includes 2 Clearing Sessions)
Be My 2025 Coach - 12 Sessions over 12 Months (Includes 3 Clearing Sessions)
After the course of sessions, you are invited to keep the momentum going with Life Coaching sessions in denominations of 1, 3, 6, 9 or 12 to keep you on track and heading towards your desires, balance and transformation.
Should limiting beliefs and resistance creep up, book a Clearing and Release Session to keep you on track and in balance.
All sessions are 100% tailored to your energetic needs, desires and to support you on your journey to being from your true expression of self.