Self Care Community Support

Top Healing Resource!

You are not alone on your journey, no one ever is. We just need to know when to ask for help. There is no shame in it.

We are all healing and suffering, all on our own unique journeys for inner fulfilment, purpose and pleasure.

I have been searching and meeting practitioners and healers who are dedicated to the journey, to healing, to helping, who can hold space for individuals on the bumps in the road and walk you through it with love and compassion. They have all been through something that led them on their own path to helping others as they have expanded their awareness. Dedicate to service and healing humanity.

"The Sutherland Shire Holistic Practitioners". A Local community group that supports and understands where you are at on your individual journey and provide treatments and sessions that you need in the moment.

All of the practitioners run small practices and are your biggest advocate for what you are going through. We are all able to hold space for you to explore you, your world and your development as an individual. Whether that be 1:1, groups, or programs. All of us offer many packages to suit the individual and can guide you through this growth phase on your journey.

Here is an ever growing list of the network we have built. Please reach out and contact to whomever you are drawn too at this time, or if you've received guidance to see someone. Please reach out we are here to help the community.

Self-Care Support Network:

Service Website Contact Details
Holistic Counselling


Natasha Therapy, Heal, Learn, Help, Tools, Meditation
Holistic Kinesiology Nicole Kinesiology & ThetaHealing
Business Coaching Wild Child Agency Samantha Jade Womens Business Coach
Sound Healing



Chakra program

Kylie Hamilton Sound healing, crystals, gemstones, incense, cleansing, jewellery
Psychic Medium Candice Louise Astrology, Numerology, Reiki, Mediumship
Reiki Sandra




Arjuna Nurtrition, Herbal Medicine, Nutraceuticals, homeopathy, Bush and Bach Flowers, Iridology, Reiki
EFT Tapping Sue
Body Wisdom by Mary-Anne